Sunday, February 26, 2023

And so it continues....

 Testing that is!  A BIG thank you to our team of testing Gurus - Mary, Melissa, Dorothy, and Amanda.  They have been working hard each day delivering, testing, picking up, and preparing for the next day.  

Some reminders for this week:

Monday - Faculty meeting to wrap up putting in scores, evidence, and writing about strengths and weaknesses.  Everyone on a committee should plan to be in attendance.  Committee leaders will send you the location.

Friday - Starts with Marvelous Mustang (be sure you have picked someone, put in on the spreadsheet, included a reason, and contacted parents), noon dismissal, parent/teacher conferences (I still do not have most of your schedules.  Please send ASAP.).

Also, on Friday at approx. 11:30 am, we are having the Spirit Raffle kick-off in the gym.  There will be a pep rally led by the student council as well as a kick-off presented by PTCO.  This is meant to get the students excited about the prizes so that they will encourage their parents to sell tickets.  Please watch for an email from Connor regarding anything you may need to know for Student Council.  All classes should be in the FLC and seated by 11:30 am.  Middle school may sit on the bleachers, and all other classes on the floor on the bleacher side (unless Connor has a different plan for the floor seating).  

Finally, on Wednesday, our new School Counselor will start.  Her name is Julie Illari and she comes with a wealth of experience in counseling, ESE, and behavior intervention.  Please join me in welcoming her on Wednesday.  The Counselor's office has been moved to Room 5.  She will not be able to be alone with students this week as we still need to get her background check completed.  

Have a great week!

Monday, February 20, 2023

Entering into Lent

 Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, a time when we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture; we serve by giving alms; and we practice self-control through fasting.  Please help your students reflect on what that means for them.  I would suggest reading brief passages of scripture along with prayer at the start of Religion class.  Students should be encouraged to add to their rice bowls with allowance money they may receive or money they work for by doing extra chores at home.  Finally, all children can fast, not necessarily from food, but from whatever may be keeping them from spending time with our Lord.  Fast from screen time to spending time reading the Bible.  Fast from arguing with a sibling and spend more time together playing a game you both like.  Fast from laziness and get ready for school on time with only one request.  You get the idea.  We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully.  

Ashes will be distributed after Mass on Wednesday.  The plan is that there will be EM's and priests at three exits: main entrance, side door facing the school, and the chapel.  We will follow directions given by the priest but I believe the plan is that Grades 1, 2, 4, and 6 will go out the side door and the other classes will go out the main entrance.  Watch for my directions.  Someone will bring ashes to the school for PK.  

Teachers, please remember grades are due by 8 am tomorrow.  Mary and I will look through them and give feedback.  Please make any necessary changes/edits as soon as possible.  

Finally, Terra Nova time is here!  Please be quiet moving through the halls in the morning.  Even though testing may be done in classrooms, it may still be going on in small group settings.  

And now, finally for real.  I hired a school counselor!!  Julie Illari starts on March 1 and will be full-time.  She comes with a wealth of experience in special ed and working as a behavior interventionist and I believe she has the experience in what we need for our students right now.  

Have a wonderful week everyone.  

Sunday, February 5, 2023

I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night.....

 Actually, more like this...

Either way, it's time to rock the night away at Angels Among Us 2023!  

But before we get there, we have a week of learning before us.  Everyone should be wrapping up the trimester this week.  Please don't leave all your last-minute summatives for next week.  It's difficult to get in retakes at the last minute.  Mary will send out reminders about how to prepare for report cards.  At this time, teachers should also be setting up their parent conferences for March 3.  Please be sure to schedule conferences with students who are not making progress or are in danger of retention/remediation.  All teachers scheduled to work on a Friday are expected to be at school on March 3 until 3:30 pm even if conferences are completed.  

I will be out on Friday at the Pastoral Center but I will be back in the evening for Confirmation.  Middle school teachers, as well as all teachers, are invited to join us to support our students in this very special sacrament they have been preparing to receive.  Mass begins at 7 pm.  

Please remind students to come to Mass next weekend in uniform for their Holy Card free dress the following week on Monday, Feb. 13 and the following day is a Valentine's shirt jean day.  If students have 3 or more uniform violations, they may not participate in the Feb. 14 jean day. 

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to our CSW committee for making last week special.  I know that the students had a great time and I especially loved Charlotte H's comment on FB on why she loves SSCS.  Definitely my favorite comment! 

Have a wonderful week!

May the ashes on your forehead...

 be a reminder of God's love and forgiveness.  Welcome (almost) to the start of Lent.  Please be sure you are talking to your students i...