Sunday, February 27, 2022

Entering into Lent

 This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of our Lenten journey toward Easter.  If you are looking for something to challenge your prayer life during lent, check out the Hallow app (there is a free version) and join the Lent Challenge which focuses on the seven last words of Jesus.  You will find more information here -    A good resource for your class is Joe Paprocki's 40 Ideas for 40 Days at 

This week we continue with Terra Nova testing on Monday and Tuesday with make-ups beginning on Wednesday after Mass.  Thank you all for your patience and flexibility.  The fire inspector will be here on Monday but he will not make noise and should only be here for an hour.  Please tell your students to ignore him if he happens to walk through your classroom during testing.  Unfortunately, our deadline for this inspection is Monday.  

Upcoming in March we have our Spirit Raffle, final SVDP canned food drive, the 7th grade trip to Nature's Classroom, and our Diocesan-Wide Teacher PD.  Please be sure to check the calendar for dates and details.  

Thank you all for your smiles, patience, and perseverance.  Happy Lent!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Terra Nova Time

 Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend and you are ready for Terra Nova.  Teachers, please be sure you have returned your practice tests to Barbara.  Remind the students that all they need to do is their best and that this is their opportunity to show off how much they know.  

This is also report card week.  Teachers should follow the directions that Gina has been sending to make sure the process goes smoothly.  

For those of you returning next school year, here are some dates to keep in mind as you plan your summer and begin thinking about the new school year.  The calendar is not complete, but these dates have been determined and most a non-negotiable:

Teacher Pre-planning - August 1 - 5, 2022

1st Day of School - August 8

No School and All church/school retreat - August 31

Thanksgiving Holiday - Nov. 21-15 (Monday and Tuesday are hurricane make-up days if needed)

Christmas Holiday - Dec. 22 - Jan. 3, 2023

Easter Holiday - April 7 - 14

Last Day of School - May 26

(Flo, please share these dates in Tidbits this week with the exception of teacher pre-planning.)

Finally, I am sharing an amazing photo.  We are making progress!!!  

Have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Happy Valentine's Day

 Good evening.  I hope everyone had a great weekend.  A big thank you to Nicki and all her volunteers for putting together a wonderful (and profitable!) Gala for the school.  Everyone who attended had a great time.  

Be sure to check the calendar. Keep our 6th graders in your prayers on Wednesday as they participate in Focus 11.  This is an annual event focused on helping students discern their vocation.  On Thursday, Dominic DeMuro in 6th grade will be the principal for the day.  This is something his mom purchased at our Angel's event two years ago and we have not been able to accommodate it until now.  Dominic will spend the morning with me observing classes and doing uniform checks and then he will help with the ice cream event also purchased through Angels.  We will be delivering ice cream to every classroom that day during lunch to celebrate Ben Basilicato's birthday.  

This will be a busy week with many things happening.  A few reminders for the week:

  • Tomorrow is Valentine's shirt and jean day and Tuesday is Holy Card free dress.  
  • Teachers will meet in Heather's room Monday after carline to grade the Mustang Writes.
  • Friday is the last day of the Trimester
  • Feb. 15 is the day that all Intent to Return forms are due.    
Have a wonderful week filled with lots of love!

Sunday, February 6, 2022

The Angels are Almost Among Us!

 Good afternoon and Happy Sunday!  If you are unsure what the title of this post means, I'm referring to our Gala which is only days away.  Nicki and her band of volunteers have been working for weeks (and months) to make this event happen.  I am grateful for all the hours and work they have put into this event.  It will be a fun time for everyone attending and hopefully, a financial success to fund the vision Gina and I have for the Media Center.  We have been blessed with many baskets and live item donations to help us reach our goal.  

Since school is closed on Friday, teachers please remind students of the following on Thursday:

  • Feb. 12-13 is uniform/holy card weekend
  • Feb. 14 is jeans and Valentine's shirt day.  Remind students of the rules. (Students may not wear leggings, sweat pants, pajama pants, etc., and the shirt must have a Valentine logo or be predominantly red or pink.  This is not a spirit shirt day but they can wear their PE shirt since it's red.)
  • Feb. 15 is holy card free-dress day.  Again, please go over the free dress rules.  Anyone wearing leggings MUST have a tunic-style shirt over them which should reach approximately mid-thigh.  
As Gina has been reminding teachers, the last week of the Trimester is almost here.  Please do not give summatives in every class the week of Feb. 14.  If they are needed at this point in the trimester, they should be spread out over this week and next.  

Reminder to everyone, the Intent to Return form is due Tuesday, February 15.  We have received about half already.  Please be sure to turn it in by that date.  

Thank you all for continuing to be awesome!  Have a great week!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...