Sunday, November 28, 2021

O Come, O Come...

 Today is the first Sunday in Advent.  It is a time of preparation for the coming of Christ.  In our role as catechists, we should also be helping our students to prepare.  I love all the activities we do during this joyful season, but let us always keep the message of the angels at the forefront... O come let us adore, Him!

Here are some things that everyone should be doing in preparation for Friday's retreat:

  • Create a new bulletin board in the hallway with the theme of Advent / Christmas
  • Prepare a Jesse Tree in your classroom for the retreat
  • Look deep into your closets and find your advent wreath that I know is in there (do not actually light the candles).  The morning show should also have a wreath on the desk.  If you picked up a Magnificat at church today, there is a blessing of the Advent Wreath in it.
  • Prepare any materials you need for the retreat (Be sure you have read through it and have prepared activities for the second half of the morning.  I will get the Jesse Tree ornaments and scripture verses and Advent Angel materials to you.)
Should students ask, Friday is a regular uniform day.  Also, if you are part-time and normally come in late on Friday, please plan to come in by 8 a.m. so that you can help with the retreat.  Assignments are on the retreat at the end.  I have shared the document with everyone.  

Please remember that there are only three weeks of school before Christmas break, but these will be VERY busy weeks with lots happening.  Be sure you are reading all your emails, checking the calendar, etc. to keep up.  Thank you all for everything you do.  

Sunday, November 14, 2021

While the cat's away...

 Actually 2 cats.  Gina and I will be in Monday morning, but we leave for Orlando after lunch to attend the FCC Administrator's Conference.  We have been participating in different chats on the conference app since last weekend, and I'm excited to learn more about what other schools are doing in terms of schedules, technology, and STREAM.  We will return on Thursday. Please do not send routine discipline issues to the office on Monday afternoon as no one will be there to help.  If it is extreme, I suggest having the office call the parent to pick up the child. Barbara will be there Tuesday and Wednesday and she is the go-to person should anything arise.  I am also a text away if you need me.  

I hope everyone had fun on Friday.  PTCO did a great job of getting volunteers and providing fun activities for the students.  At last count, we earned just over $17,000!  The winning class will be announced after everything has been tallied up.  

It's a pretty quiet week.  Teachers, instructions for the faculty meeting were emailed on Friday.  The Advent Retreat script and activities were emailed to teachers last night.  Be sure to look for both as well as the schedule for Adoration and Reconciliation.  

Friday is jean day with a Fall shirt.  Please review the jean day rules with your students.  Thank you and have a great week!  Thanksgiving break is almost here!!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Honoring Veterans

This week we celebrate Veteran's Day.  Please be sure everyone is tuned into the Morning Show as there will be a special prayer service honoring veterans on Thursday.  

Now that we are allowing parents back in the building to volunteer and field trips are starting, it's important to remember the volunteer rules.  If you send out a sign-up genius for volunteers, be sure to put in the email that a background check and safe environment course are required.  The same is required for field trips.  If a parent is driving for a field trip, they also need to take the defensive driver course, provide a copy of their license, and have $100K/$300K insurance coverage.  All of this was sent to parents in an email as a reminder last week.  If a parent comes to the office to volunteer and they do not meet these requirements, Karen will not allow them to enter.  If you are unsure if they meet the requirements, you can send a list of names to Karen and she will check.

Friday is Making Waves.  It should be a fun day for everyone.  The schedule was sent to everyone a few weeks ago by Nicki.  Please be outside on time for your session.  We will follow the half-day schedule.  If you have an Encore class during the time when you are scheduled to be outside, that teacher (George, Gina, or Claudia) will be there with your class so you still have a prep period.  I will send a separate schedule.  

Have a great week everyone!

Happy Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day!

  Thank you to everyone who educated the rest of us about what is truly happening on Feb. 14.  I had no idea this existed, and now I'm q...